Monday, August 1, 2011

Greetings from the Land of Haldermen

"Welcome my friends, to the great Citadel of Sagecraft in the beautiful land of Haldermen, the land of green trees and rolling hills where meadows and farmland are found in abundance. My name is Tolen the Wizard, and I am the caretaker of this great tower. What knowledge might you seek today?"

So what's in a blog?

I've never really been a bloggy sort of person, but in the past few weeks or so I've been thinking having a blog might be a great place for me to flesh out some different ideas for some book ideas that I have...I have no doubt that I will use this blog for a mixed variety of reasons. There will most likely be a little bit of my book ideas here, a little bit of family there, etc. This blog will pretty much be a catch all for my thoughts, and maybe if one train of thought, be it family or book, begins to take off or requires its own space, it may get it's own separate blog page in the future. Until then:

"If you so desire, come deeper into the caverns where books and Ancient Tomes handed down through thousands of years and ages await you.What shall we discover? What knowledge waits to be converted into the most precious tool of all, wisdom? Come! Let us descend!"

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